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Category Archives: Medical Malpractice & Errors

If you are not feeling well, seek medical treatment and reasonably expect your condition to be correctly diagnosed and treated. However, it is not always that simple. According to Kaiser Family Foundation Health News, 7.4 million people are misdiagnosed in emergency rooms in the United States every year. This startling statistic shows that many people …

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Telemedicine was once only a niche service, but it has now grown to be an integral part of the healthcare system. A significant source of this growth occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic, which helped propel telehealth visits by 766% within the first three months of the pandemic.  While telemedicine provides a convenient option for patients …

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Most healthcare records today are created through electronic means rather than paper records. The HITECH Act in 2009 provided financial incentives for hospitals and physician practices to implement technologies that created electronic health records for patients. While electronic records can increase the speed of creating records and make it easier to share information, they pose …

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When you seek medical treatment, you expect your healthcare professional to provide excellent care and help you heal. When a doctor or other healthcare provider harms you during your care, you may have experienced medical malpractice. Medical malpractice can take many forms, from misdiagnosis to surgical errors. It can cause physical, emotional, and financial harm …

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Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers for men. According to the American Cancer Society, about 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and 1 in 44 will die from it. However, the disease is different for each person. With less aggressive cancers, a man and his doctor might only …

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Amputation is a significant disability which permanently alters lives. At Powers & Santola, LLP, our New York medical malpractice lawyers have assisted many people who lost a limb due to preventable medical error. They often don’t know how this happened, and they want answers. Please contact us. Our legal team can quickly jump in to …

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Anesthesia is one of the most important medical advances in the past 200 years. Before its invention, patients would have to undergo surgery either wide awake or only after getting drunk. They could suffer unimaginable pain. Anesthesia has made surgery bearable for millions of people. Modern anesthesia is not without problems, however. One rare issue …

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Anyone injured by substandard medical care might file a medical malpractice claim against a doctor or other health provider. However, the actual lawsuit doesn’t really involve the medical provider at all. Instead, their insurance company steps up and handles most of the negotiation, litigation, and fact gathering. In fact, you probably won’t even speak to …

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If you go to the hospital, chances are you will see and speak with nurses much more than you will your doctor or surgeon. Nurses provide critical services at hospitals, nursing homes, and extended care facilities. They receive rigorous education so they can provide high-quality care to patients who need it. Unfortunately, nurses are not …

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Just about every medical treatment involves some amount of risk. For example, a popular drug may have certain well-known potential side effects. And any time a person requires surgery, there is the risk of complications that may lead to further injury or even death. So it is generally impossible for any health care provider to …

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